Have you ever wondered how many events you have actually attended over the years? Or how many times have you spoken at a WordCamp or other WordPress related event? How about what conferences are you planning on attending the rest of the year? Did you know the third weekend of July there were 5 WordCamps? With our new tracker system, you can find out all those answers and more. You tag all your events you have gone to or plan on going to and be able to review all events on one page.
With our new tracker system, you can find out all those answers and more. You tag all your events you have gone to or plan on going to and be able to review all events on one page.
It’s kinda cool seeing a whole page of logos of camps/events you have spoken or attended. All free to use and all you have to do is sign up! Also, if you have not read out introduction post to the new event feature, you might want to check out that post first: Introducing Wapu.us WordPress Events
Tracker Lists
We have 2 sets of lists for events. They both do the same thing, but sometimes plans changes, things happen, and you can’t make it to an event. Future event lists are for planning, and past lists are for archiving. Organizing and Sponsoring are the same lists for both, but Volunteering, Speaking, and Attending are different lists then Volunteered, Spoke, or Attended and you would have to go back and check the new buttons after the event is over.
Tagging yourself does 3 things. First, it allows us to track things for future plans based on achievements. Don’t want to say too much about that yet, but big plans for sure. 2ndly tagging yourself adds you to the lists displayed on the site( very soon). Privacy settings will be adjustable under your profile. Full lists can be seen on most event’s web site. last, but maybe the most important, Our event tracking tool tracks your personal achievements and displays them under your profile. You can see all events you have ever Spoke at, Volunteered, Help Organize, Sponsored, or event just attended. Kinda fun if you ask us.
All your lists can be found on your account page at the bottom: https://wapu.us/my-account/
Future Events | Past Events |
The lists are simple enough, but we will review them anyway.
These are the same list regardless if the event has happened yet or not. Once you do anything to help organize, that counts for life regardless of how much you contributed #FACT!
This means you are planning on volunteering at the event but has not happened yet. If you happen to be volunteering before the event, then you are more than likely one of the Organisers.
This means you did help at the event. You showed up early and stayed late. You helped pick up all the trash and showed people where lunch was. You know what volunteered means silly.
You have been accepted to speak and your name is listed on the events main site, but the event has not happened yet.
You presented at the event. You earned your Speaker badge. Congratulations, achievement unlocked. Keep up the good work.(Workshops, Panels, Lectures, and Open Q&A count)
These two are the same list. You should only check the box If said event has received your funds. The tense of the work only represents if the event has happened yet.
Planned on going, but the event has not happened yet. This is a totally different list the Attended in case something happens.
Ended up going, good job! Hope you learned a lot, made some new friends, and found some cool wapuu swag!

Small disclaimer
We know we are missing some events. About 150 total out of the 750+ events. Mostly from 2015 and any none WordCamp events like WPCampus, LoopConf and other unofficial events like #WCKaraoke. We are not including monthly meetups in the count at this time. If the event is not listed and you feel it should be, check out our “Submit an Event” form. The more information we add to the site, the more of a resource it becomes for the community. We would love to see more people get involved!
Submit an Events: https://wapu.us/events/submit-an-event/
Get Archiving!
We hinted at it above, if you are a fan of wapuu and go to a lot of events, it’s in your best interest to track your achievements. It’s also a fantastic way to plan ahead with so many events always going on around the world.
Wapu.us is a tool for you, our community, and future camps. If there is something you feel we should be tracking or have an idea for a new feature, let us know. We are here to help our fellow WordPressers and archive our journeys along the way.
Start creating your lists: https://wapu.us/events/