Adding your wapuu to the Archives

So, you have a wapuu, now what? Good question. Your new discovery needs a home, and we need to tell the world about it.

There are 2 ways to add your wapuu to archive. You can use Github and make a pull request or you can add it directly to with a form. Both ways are fine, but if you add it to Github first the content is limited and we will have to assign the wapuu back to your user account. Then you will have to fill out an update form to finish adding all your wapuus information. This is a much slower process. If you add your wapuu to our site first, we can submit it to the wapuu repo for you using all your profile details. We would prefer our form for the ability to add more content but it’s really up to your preference. Now everyone regardless of skill set can add their beloved wapuus to the Archive for the world to enjoy. We will review both ways be below.

Wapuu GitHub Repo

Without there would be no If you are familiar with GitHub and Git, this will be easy for you. If you have no idea what Git is, that is why we created our wapuu submission form. Full instructions can be seen here:

  1. Fork the Wapuu-API repository above.
  2. Add your wapuu’s information to the wapuu.csv.
  3. Submit a pull request.

They will review the pull request, and most times, add your wapuu within a day or two.


Below is example code of what you would be adding to the Wapuu.csv per new wapuu. The GitHub repo is very limiting on the information they collect.

"name": "original-wapuupng",
"wapuu": {
"name": "Wapuu",
"url": "",
"repository": "",
"src": "",
"mime_type": "image/png"
"author": {
"name": "Kazuko Kaneuchi",
"url": ""
"description": "Original Wapuu"

  • Name
    This is the unique name of your Wapuu. Think page slug.
    This is your wapuu’s name and/or nickname. Sometimes a wapuu discovered has been seen before but in a different costume, or area of the world.
  • Wapuu.url
    Most times this is the event sites URL but could be a business or community site. e.g.
  • Wapuu.repository
    The repository URL of your Wapuu. In many cases, it is GitHub’s URL.
  • wapuu.src
    The image URL of the wapuu. It should be JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
  • wapuu.mime_type
    The mime_type of your wapuu. It should be image/png or so.
    This would be your name or the name of the Discover/artist.
  • author.url
    This can be your website, Twitter, or WordPress profile. Really anything you want your name to link to. #freebacklinks
  • Description
    This is a short description of your wapuu. Think tagline or at least the Name of the WordCamp your wapuu was discovered at.

By adding your wapuu to the GitHub repo, it will be synced to our site every couple weeks, when we do a wapuu sync or Wapsync. No, sorry we do not call it that, it’s just the wapuu Sync button. If this is all too much work, head over to our submission form.

Using the Submit a Wapuu form

There are 3 sections to the form. The discoverer’s information, the wapuu’s information, and the event the wapuu was sighted at. The form might look intimidating but only 2 fields are required. The wapuu’s name and an image of the discovered wapuu. We would prefer a transparent png, along with the original art files; or just an SVG for both. The more the better, we want to give others a starting point with different poses and designs.

Next, we will go over each section of the form explaining what it means. The Submit a Wapuu page can be found here:

The Discoverer info is really important. We would like to tie any wapuu submitted to a real user. If you are logged-in, your info will auto populate. If you are submitting the wapuu on someone else’s behalf, you can add their name instead. We would like the site to be fully cross-linked and have public profiles that would show all a “discover”(user) wapuus.

You do not need to be logged in or provide any personal information to submit a wapuu to the archive.

The discover info could be a full write up on the artist or as little as a link to a tweet. We are huge fans of lore and backstory is super intriguing to us.

Newly Discovered Wapuu statistics

This step can be a bit overwhelming, down worry. Only 2 things are really required and if you are the Discoverer (artist), all the answers are whatever you want them to be. If something is missing and you would like it to be added, feel free to let us know.

Wapuu’s Name

What’s your wapuus name? (link to a post, naming your wapuu.)

Short Description/Tag Line

Does this wapuu have a Catchphrase? If there is no description, we can use the event it was created for, or leave it blank.

Wapuu Image

We would prefer a large transparent PNG file, but SVG is better. In the past, we have used photos of presentations because it was the only found source for that wapuu. The community will help fill in the blanks.

Editable Files and Supporting Images

Even though this field is not required, it’s maybe the most important element of the entire form. Wapuu was created under the GPL. We want to give back and help others. One way to do this is to provide your final, cleaned-up source files. Give a “camp” a hand up, or in our case, a ¾ turn front facing standing wapuu design that would allow them to update the shirt. Like we said above, backstory and lore are a huge priority of ours. We would love to see your sketches, and other work in progress or runners up.


Did you know Wapuu is more than just our little yellow friend? That topic is for a different post, but something to think about. We have 12 in our system already. If you do not find one that matches best, select “other”, and a new species input will show up. Be as creative as you want.


This input is totally up to the discoverer and can be left blank. We have added whatever has been requested in the past. If there is something you would like added to the list, please select other, and a new input will show up.


These are keywords that describe your wapuu. Does your wapuu have a hat? How about a jacket, or glasses, maybe shoes? Add anything you would like. The input is a smart search and will show you other tags that are close to what you added. The more a tag is used, the higher the chances it will show up in all the faceted search menus.

Wapuu Type

Was your wapuu made for your local WordCamp or meetup? How about to help promote your brand? Heck, maybe it was just for fun!

Height & Weight

These two inputs can change dramatically based on the species of wapuu. Most times is best to use whatever your wapuu is holding and scale from there. We feel an average wapuu is 2-3 ft, or 0.6-1 meters long (not including tail) and double that with tail measurements. Average weight is much heavier than you would think. Wapuu is very dense (about 25lbs or 11.33kg).

A pygmy wapuu would be closer to 1-3 inches(25-80mm) and 0.05oz-1/2 lb(1.5-225 grams). All sizes and weights are at the discretion of the discover.

Inspiration and Backstory

This would be the 2nd most important input even though it’s not required. As we said above, backstory and lore are super important to us. We are building a world; a universe. We need to know your wapuus origin story. We want to know why they are dressed the way they are, or what are they holding, and what that means to your community. We want to know about the name that was picked, or where their tagline came from. Again, have fun with this, Create!

A Wapuu Sighting!

The last section of the form is the Sighting info, or here was this wapuu discovered at originally. We would live all wapuus to be linked to their events. We want a user to click on any event and see all wapuus discovered/created at that event. The more event info the better and we can make sure everything is hooked on in the admin. Nothing in this section is required but would be greatly appreciated.

We are doing a lot of development around events and in the future, this section will be mostly dynamic. We have about 100 past events we are still adding to the event archive at the time of this post.

Event Name

Was this wapuu sighted at a WordCamp or a Meetup? How about more of a special event like WPCampus or WooConf? Or maybe no events at all.

Event URL

This is where you add the wapuus birthday. Just joking… its the website link of the event.


Where in the world was this wapuu sighted? Don’t worry! We added a World Wide Region for wapuus from online streaming events like WordSesh.

Location of Sighting

This is intended to be the city name where it was spotted. Some events do not have the city name in the events name, but you could also say Twitter or streaming if there was not a physical location of the event.

Date of the first Appearance

Ok, for real this time. This is your wapuus birthday. We almost added this to the previous section, but not all wapuus celebrate birthdays. We do not ask questions. Also, sometimes a wapuu can be around for a bit, but not introduced to the world till the day of the event. This date is up to the discoverer. We would like to leverage this later to build a fancy timeline of all wapuus.

Social Sighting

All the above information is great, but you know what’s better than facts and info? Really fun images of your wapuu in the wild.
This is a repeater that lets you add all the tweets, Instagram posts, YouTube videos, and any other link source WordPress lets us embed by default. Add as many as you can find. They really help fill out your wapuu’s profile page.

Once your wapuu is submitted, we review content to confirm what was submitted was, in fact, a wapuu and publish them a couple times a month.


The more wapuus we have on the site, the more of a resource is to the rest of the WordPress community. The more our community can help us with data entry, the more time we can spend making the site better.

We encourage everyone to get involved. Set up your profiles and start tracking your favorite wapuus, tagging swag you have acquired, and all the events you want to, or have already, attended.

Comment below after you submitted your wapuu to the archive, or if you have any questions.

Thanks for making our community so great!

— The Team

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