WordCamp Retreat Soltau 2020

Event Info

Take some rest in harmony with nature.
Find new inspiration.
Take part in interactive workshops.
Benefit from previously unknown networking opportunities.
Have fun during indoor and outdoor activities.
Improve your personal strengths.
Learn from the best.
Level your WordPress skills.
Contribute to the WordPress project.
Meet new and familiar faces.
Enjoy co-working under ideal conditions.
Alternate between valuable input and relaxation.
Just have a great time.

Retreat in Soltau – A community Camp

During three consecutive days, you will experience annother kind of event: a WordCamp Retreat.

WordCamp, workshops, contributing, events, activities, meals, relaxations, accommodation –  all at the same location in the heart of the picturesque Lueneburg Heath (North of Germany).

Get your ticket and we will take care of the rest.
Join us in Soltau!

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