Add Your Wapuu to GitHub

Before, there was the Wapuu Archive* on GitHub. Without there would be no If you are familiar with GitHub and Git, this will be easy for you. If you have no idea what Git is, that is why we created our wapuu submission form. Full instructions can be seen here:

  1. Fork the Wapuu-API repository above.
  2. Add your wapuu’s information to the wapuu.csv.
  3. Submit a pull request.

They will review the pull request, and most times, add your wapuu within a day or two.


Below is example code of what you would be adding to the Wapuu.csv per new wapuu. The GitHub repo is very limiting on the information they collect.

"name": "original-wapuupng",
"wapuu": {
"name": "Wapuu",
"url": "",
"repository": "",
"src": "",
"mime_type": "image/png"
"author": {
"name": "Kazuko Kaneuchi",
"url": ""
"description": "Original Wapuu"

  • Name
    This is the unique name of your Wapuu. Think page slug.
    This is your wapuu’s name and/or nickname. Sometimes a wapuu discovered has been seen before but in a different costume, or area of the world.
  • Wapuu.url
    Most times this is the event sites URL but could be a business or community site. e.g.
  • Wapuu.repository
    The repository URL of your Wapuu. In many cases, it is GitHub’s URL.
  • wapuu.src
    The image URL of the wapuu. It should be JPEG, PNG, or GIF.
  • wapuu.mime_type
    The mime_type of your wapuu. It should be image/png or so.
    This would be your name or the name of the Discover/artist.
  • author.url
    This can be your website, Twitter, or WordPress profile. Really anything you want your name to link to. #freebacklinks
  • Description
    This is a short description of your wapuu. Think tagline or at least the Name of the WordCamp your wapuu was discovered at.

By adding your wapuu to the GitHub repo, it will be synced to our site every couple weeks.


If you’re not sure what any of that is—don’t worry, you can submit your Wapuu on our site.

*We are not directly affiliated with the GitHub Archive. However, we still fully support it and follow along!

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